Now I am working in JUST as a lecturer, and before this time, I was employed by Lloyds Register (Oct.2012-Dec.2017) in Southampton Global technical center, UK. working in department of Structural and Hydrodynamic, originally was RDD on various research projects about loading generator, strength analysis, fatigue analysis, vibration analysis on ULCS, LNG, LPG and FLNG etc..
Graduated in 2012 of PhD degree from the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Strathclyde; supervised under Professor N. Barltrop and Professor A. Incecik.
The PhD topic is on the fatigue assessment of structures by using a novel dimensional methodology, which has been already presented in RINA London Branch, Dec/2011. During my PhD period, I had some experiences of consultancy company in Glasgow.
My MSc topic was about ship structural vibration, I got the MSc degree, with first class, in Naval Architecture of Engineering, in Dalian University of Technology (DLUT), 2008, under Pprofessor Zhao Deyou; and BSc degree in Navel Architecture in DLUT, 2005.