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  • 教授/硕导,现任英国斯特莱斯克莱德大学“海洋工程教授”ASME海洋力学与极地工程学会(OMAE)海洋工程技术委员会委员,国际船模拖曳会议海洋工程专业委员会(ITTC)委员,国际船舶与海洋结构物专业委员会(ISSC)委员等。曾任英国纽卡斯尔大学“劳氏船级社海洋工程讲席教授”,2009年于上海交通大学船建学院被评为“长江学者讲座教授”。2019年被聘为江苏科技大学特聘教授。


    (1)Emission Free Propulsion of Offshore Service Vessels, MarRI UK Technology and Innovation,£116,335.20,主持

    (2)Wind Turbine Mooring System for Sub-Sea Inspections, ETP Regional Fund UK,£10,000+£3,500 STEP,主持






    1.Yuan Zhang, Longbin Tao, Chao Wang, Liyu Ye and Chunyu Guo, (2021): Numerical study on dynamic icebreaking process of an icebreaker by ordinary state-based Peridynamics and continuous contact Detection Algorithm. Ocean Engineering, 233, 109148

    2.Yibo Liang, Longbin Taoand Longfei Xiao (2020): Energy transformation on flow-induced motions of multiple cylindrical structures with various corner shapes, Physics of Fluids, 32 (2), 027105

    3.Sudheesh Ramadasan, Longbin Taoand Arun Dev (2019): Vortex Induced Vibration of Jack-ups with Cylindrical Legs in Multiple Modes, Marine Structures, 67, 102637

    4.X.Y. Cao, L. Tao, A.M. Zhang, F.R. Ming, (2019): Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model for coupled analysis of a damaged ship with internal sloshing in beam seas, Physics of Fluids, 31 (3) 0321031

    5.Gao, S., Tao, L., Tian, X.* and Yang, J. (2018): Flow around an inclined circular disk, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 851, 687-714

    6.Martin Nuernberg, Longbin Tao* (2018): Experimental Study of Wake Characteristics in Tidal Turbine Arrays. Renewable Energy, 127, 168-181

    7.Qingkai Zhao, Hang Xu, Longbin Tao (2018): Nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a microchannel with interfacial electrokinetic effects. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 124, 158-167

    8.Liu, Z., Lin, Z. and Tao, L. (2016): Nonlinear wave-current interaction in water of finite depth, Physics of Fluids, 28 (12) 127104

    9.Ikenna A. Okaro and Longbin Tao (2016): Reliability analysis and optimisation of subsea compression system facing operational covariate stresses, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 156, 159-174

    10.Xiao, L.F., Yang, J.M, Peng, T. and Tao, L. (2016): A free surface interpolation approach for rapid simulation of short waves in meshless numerical wave tank based on the radial basis function, Journal of Computational Physics, 307C, 203-224

    11.Tao, L., Song, H. and Chakrabarti, S.K. (2007): Scaled boundary FEM solution of short-crested wave diffraction by a vertical cylinder, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197(1-4), 232-242

    12.Tao, L., Song, H. and Chakrabarti, S. (2007): A new analytical solution of nonlinear progressive waves in water of finite depth. Coastal Engineering54(11), 825-834

    13.Tao, L., Molin, B., Scolan, Y.-M. and Thiagarajan, K. (2007): Spacing effects of heave plates on hydrodynamics of offshore structures. Journal of Fluids and Structures,23(8), 1119-1136

  • (1)流体动力学:粘性流体与浮式结构的相互作用研究


  • 1997-2002 西澳大利亚大学    石油与天然气工程系 博士;

    1985-1988 华南理工大学     船舶与海洋工程系  硕士;

    1981-1985 华南理工大学     船舶与海洋工程系  学士。