1. H.J. Zhu, J.Y. Han, K.W. Fang, Z.B. Zheng, H.L. Zhou, L.L. Yang, Y.X. Qiao*, J. Chen, J. Cui, Q. Wang, Corrosion behavior of CoCrCu0.1FeMoNi high entropy alloy in 0.5 mol/L NaOH solution., Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 32 (2025) 10.1007/s42243-42024-01407-y.
1. Y.X. Qiao*, Y. Qin, H.L. Zhou, L.L. Yang, X.J. Wang, Z.B. Wang, Z.G. Liu, J.S. Zou, Electrochemical hydrogen charging on corrosion behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in artificial seawater, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 32 (2024) 2
2. Z.Y. Li, G. Zhou, Y.X. Qiao*, H. Wang, First-principles investigation on twin-related lattice reorientation in hexagonal metals and alloys, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 28 (2024) 1834–1840.
3. Z. Zou, Z.H. Liu, L.L. Yang, Y.B. Tang, Y.X. Qiao*, D.H. Lu, Corrosion behavior of different building planes of selective laser melting 316L stainless steel in 0.1 M HCl solution, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 28 (2024) 4738–4753.
4. S.J. Nie, X.N. Yi, H.L. Zhou, H.J. Zhu, L.L. Yang, F.L. Fu, J.Y. Li, H.K. Yang, G.X. Xu, S. Lu, Y.X. Qiao, Corrosion behavior of as-cast Al0.75CoFeCr1.25Ni high entropy alloy in 0.5 mol/L NaOH solution, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 31(11) (2024) DOI:10.1007/s42243-024-01180-y.
5. Y. Zhang, B.Y. Chen, Y.X. Qiao*, Y.R. Duan, S.Q. He, H. Zhou*, J.K. Chen, A.H. Yuan, S.L. Zheng*, FeNi alloys incorporated N-doped carbon nanotubes as efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst with phase-dependent activity for oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 201 (2024) 157–165.
6. Z. Yang, L. Li, Y.X. Qiao*, C.T. Li, L.M. Zhang, J. Cui, D.C. Ren, H.B. Ji, Y.G. Zheng, Cavitation erosion-corrosion properties of as-cast TC4 and LPBF TC4 in 0.6 mol/L NaCl solution: A comparison investigation, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 110 (2024) 106947.
7. Y.X. Qiao*, T.Y. Wang, Z.L. Chen, J. Wang, C.T. Li, J. Chen, Corrosion techniques and strategies for used fuel containers with copper corrosion barriers under deep geological disposal conditions: A literature review, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 31(12) (2024) 2582–2605.
8. 杨瑞泽, 翟汝宗, 任少飞, 孙明月, 徐斌, 乔岩欣*, 杨兰兰, 1Cr22Mn16N高氮奥氏体不锈钢塑性变形连接中界面组织演化及愈合机制, 金属学报, 60 (2024) 915–925.
9. L. Li, S.J. Nie, C.T. Li, X. Chen, Y.X. Qiao*, R.Y. Ma, Z.L. Chen, L.M. Zhang, J. Cui, Study on cavitation erosion-corrosion behavior of CoCrFeNiMoCu0.1 high entropy alloy in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 109 (2024) 107021.
10. S.J. Nie, Z.B. Zheng, Y.X. Qiao*, Y.R. Duan, J. Cui, S.D. Mekkey, A.A. Mohammed, S. Melhi, H.K. Yang, H.L. Zhou, S.L. Zheng, Corrosion behavior of as-cast Al0.75CoCr1.25FeNi high entropy alloy in 0.5 mol/L sulfuric acid, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 7 (2024) 138.
1. 黄鼎, 乔岩欣*, 杨兰兰, 王金龙, 陈明辉, 朱圣龙, 王福会, 基体表面喷丸处理对纳米晶涂层循环氧化行为的影响, 金属学报, 59(5) (2023) 668–678.
2. Y.X. Qiao, Z.B. Zheng, H.K. Yang, J. Long, P.X. Han, Recent progress in microstructural evolution, mechanical and corrosion properties of medium-Mn steel, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 30(8) (2023) 1463–1476.
3. L. Li, Y.X. Qiao*, L.M. Zhang, A.L. Ma, E.F. Daniel, R.Y. Ma, J. Chen, Y.G. Zheng, Effect of cavitation erosion induced surface damage on pitting and passive behaviors of 304L stainless steel, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 30(7) (2023) 1338-1352.
4. L. Li, Y.X. Qiao, L.M. Zhang*, A.L. Ma, R.Y. Ma, Y.G. Zheng*, Understanding the corrosion behavior of Nickel–aluminum bronze induced by cavitation corrosion using electrochemical noise: Selective phase corrosion and uniform corrosion, Materials 16(2) (2023) 669.
5. L. Li, Y.X. Qiao, H.L. Zhou, X. Li, L. Huang, L.L. Yang, L. Wang, Cavitation erosion-corrosion behaviour of Fe-19Cr-15Mn-0.66N high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel in sodium chloride solution, Physica Scripta 98(6) (2023) 065941.
6. L. Li, Y.X. Qiao*, L.M. Zhang, C.T. Li, Z. Liu, R.Y. Ma, L.L. Yang, J.Y. Li, Y.G. Zheng, Effect of cavitation erosion induced surface damage on the corrosion behavior of TA31 titanium alloy, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 98 (2023) 106498.
7. S.L. Sheng, Y.X. Qiao*, R.z. Zhai, M.Y. Sun, B. Xu, Effects of hot deformation behavior and processing map on 316LN-Mn austenitic stainless steel dynamic recrystallization, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 30(12) (2023) 2386-2396.
8. X.Y. Du, W.D. Wang, Z.F. Ding, X.J. Wang, Y.X. Qiao, S. Wei, Q.S. Zhu, J.D. Guo, Effect of Cu/Ga interfacial reaction on heat transfer performance, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34(17) (2023) 1336.
9. F.Y. Gao, Y.X. Qiao*, J. Chen, L.L. Yang, H.l. Zhou, Z.B. Zheng, L.M. Zhang, Effect of nitrogen content on corrosion behavior of high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel, npj Materials Degradation, 7 (2023) 75.
10. Y.X. Qiao*, W.T. Zhang, X.W. Shen, S.L. Zheng, M.H. Helal, Z.M. El-Bahy, M.M. Ibrahim, H. Algadi, W. Liu, Improved passivation behaviours of Inconel 718 alloy in 0.05 mol/L H2SO4 solution by selective laser melting, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 7 (2023) 204.
1. Y.X. Qiao*, Q. Yan, J. Cui, H. Wang, Q. Yin, H.T. Yuan, E. Wilfred, W. Liu, J.Y. Li, J.S. Zou, Effect of Hydrogen Charging on the Corrosion Behavior of E690 Steel in 3.5 wt. % NaCl solution, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 31 (2022) 3826–3834
2. Y.X. Qiao*, X.Y. Wang, J. Chen, L.L. Yang, X.J. Wang, H.L. Zhou, J.S. Zou, Electrochemical behavior and passive film composition of a novel high nitrogen nickel-free austenitic stainless steel, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44 (2022) 887–894.
3. Y.X. Qiao, X.Y. Wang, L.L. Yang, X.J. Wang, J. Chen, Z.B. Wang, H.L. Zhou, J.S. Zou, F.H. Wang, Effect of aging treatment on microstructure and corrosion behavior of a Fe-18Cr-15Mn-0.66N stainless steel, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 107 (2022) 197–206.
4. X. Yao, J. Huang, Y.X. Qiao*, M.Y. Sun, B. Wang, B. Xu, Precipitation behavior of carbides and its effect on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 15CrNi3MoV steel, Metals 12(10) (2022) 1758.
1. S.L. Sheng, H.L. Zhou, X.J. Wang, Y.X. Qiao*, H.T. Yuan, J. Chen, L.L. Yang, D.P. Wang, Z.G. Liu, J.S. Zou, Z.B. Zheng, J.Y. Li, Friction and Wear Behaviors of Fe-19Cr-15Mn-0.66N Steel at High Temperature, Coatings 11(11) (2021) 1285.
2. J.W. Wu, Y.X. Qiao*, Y. Chen, L.L. Yang, X.Z. Cao, S.X. Jin*, Correlation between Corrosion Films and Corrosion-Related Defects Formed on 316 Stainless Steel at High Temperatures in Pressurized Water, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30(5) (2021) 3577–3585.
3. Y.X. Qiao*, S.L. Sheng, L.M. Zhang, J. Chen, L.L. Yang, H.L. Zhou, Y.X. Wang, H.B. Li, Z.B. Zheng, Friction and wear behaviors of a high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel Fe-19Cr-15Mn-0.66N, Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy 57(2) (2021) 285–293.
4. Y.X. Qiao*, Y.P. Chen, L.L. Li, W. Emori, J. Chen, X.J. Wang, L.L. Yang, H.L. Zhou, G. Song, N. Naik, Z.B. Wang, Z.H. Guo, Corrosion behavior of a nickel-free high-nitrogen stainless steel with hydrogen charging, JOM, 73(4) (2021), 1165–1172.
5. Y. X. Qiao*, D. K. Xu, S. Wang, Y. J. Ma, J. Chen, Y. X. Wang, H. L. Zhou, Effect of hydrogen charging on microstructural evolution and corrosion behavior of Ti-4Al-2V-1Mo-1Fe alloy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 60 (2021), 168–176.
1. Y.X. Qiao*, J. Huang, D. Huang, J. Chen, W. Liu, Z.B. Wang, Z.B. Zheng, Effects of laser scanning speed on microstructure, microhardness and corrosion behavior of laser cladding Ni45 coatings, Journal of Chemistry, 2020 (2020) 1438473.
1. Y. X. Qiao*, J. Chen, H. L. Zhou, Y. X. Wang, Q. N. Song, H. B. Li, Z. B. Zheng, Effect of solution treatment on cavitation erosion behavior of high-nitrogen austenitic stainless steel, Wear, 424–425 (2019) 70–77.
2. Y. X. Qiao*, Z. H.Tian, X. Cai, J. Chen, Y. X. Wang, Q. N. Song, H. B. Li. Cavitation erosion behaviors of a nickel-free high-nitrogen stainless steel, Tribology Letters, 67(1) (2019) 1.
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