
您是第45 Access

  • 1Xiaoli Wang, liNa Zhao, KaiHong Ding, ShengLi Cui, YongCong Sun, MuSen Li. The effect of optimized ageing processing on properties of the sintered Dy-doped Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet [J]. Chinese Physics B. 2015,24 (3): 037506: 1-4.SCI/EI 收录)

    2Xiaoli Wang, liNa Zhao, KaiHong Ding, ShengLi Cui, YongCong Sun, MuSen Li. Distribution of Dysprosium and Influence on the Property of the Sintered and Aged Dy-doped NdFeB Permanent Magnets [J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016, 45 (2): 0309-0314. SCI /EI收录)

    3. Xiaoli Wang, liNa Zhao, CongHui Si, KaiHong Ding, ShengLi Cui, YongCong Sun, MuSen Li. Effect of ageing treatment on the microstructures and the magnetic properties of the sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 886: 66-70. EI 收录)

    4. 王晓丽, 丁开鸿, 崔胜利, 孙永聪, 杨平, 李木森. 影响NdFeB永磁合金磁性的微观结构分析[J]. 稀土, 2016,37 (1): 1-7. 

    5. Xiaoli Wang, Qingxian Hu, KaiHong Ding, ShengLi Cui, YongCong Sun, MuSen Li. Microstructure and properties of low temperature aged Dy-doped Nd-Fe-B magnet [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2016, 23(11):2763-2770. (SCI/EI收录)

    6. Xia Ding, Xiaoli Wang, Conghui Si, Lina Zhao, Kaihong Ding, Shengli Cui, Yongcong Sun, Musen Li. Study on the Relativity between Intrinsic Coercivity and Microstructure of the Nd-Fe-B Magnet Treated by the Optimized Ageing Process [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 1002: 73-76.EI 收录)

    7. Lina Zhao, Xiaoli Wang, Kaihong DING, Shengli CUI, Yongcong SUN, Musen Li.Brittleness Testing and Fracture Analysis on the Sintered Dy-doped NdFeB Magnets [J]. Rere Mentals, DOI 10.1007/s12598-01500613-3.SCI

    8.赵利娜, 王晓丽, 司聪慧, 崔胜利, 孙永聪, 李木森. 烧结含镝钕铁硼永磁合金时效后的微观组织分析 [J]. 热处理技术与装备, 2014, 35 (2): 23-26.

    9. Qing-Xian Hu, Xiao-Li Wang,* , Yan-Xin Qiao , Fu-Gang Chen , Kai-Hong Ding , Zong-Jie Peng , Yong-Cong Sun , Mu-Sen Li, Microstructure and Corrosion behavior of the Dy-doped sintered Nd-Fe-B Magnets Processed by Low-temperature Heat Treatment, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 15 (2020) 6165 – 6176, doi: 10.20964/2020.07.02.

    10. Qingxian Hu, Xiaoli Wang *, Junyan Miao, Fanglian Fu and Xinwang Shen, Friction and Wear Performance of CoCrFeMnNiW Medium-Entropy Alloy Coatings by Plasma-Arc Surfacing Welding on Q235 Steel, Coatings 2021, 11, 715. https://doi.org/10.3390/ coatings11060715

    11. Qingxian Hu *, Xiaoli Wang *, Xinwang Shen, Fanglian Fu and Zemin Tan, Wear and Corrosion Resistance of CoCrFeNiSiMoW Medium-Entropy Alloy Coatings on Q235 Steel, Coatings 2021, 11, 1053. https://doi.org/10.3390/ coatings11091053

    12. Qingxian Hu, Xiaoli Wang *, Xinwang Shen and Zemin Tan, Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance in Bimetal Materials of Q345 and 308 Steel Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing, Crystals 2021, 11, 1401. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst11111401.

    13. Houxiao Wang, Jiao Liu, Ye Xu , Xiaoli Wang , Naifei Ren , Xudong Ren , Qingxian Hu, Experimental characterization and real-time monitoring for laser percussion drilling in titanium alloy using transverse electric field assistance and/or lateral air blowing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 62 (2021) 845–858.

    14. Houxiao Wang *, Ye Xu, Jiao Liu , Qingxian Hu , Xiaoli Wang , Naifei Ren , Wei Zhou , Xudong Ren, Magnet-assisted laser hole-cutting in magnesium alloys with and without water immersion, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 61 (2021) 539–560.

    15. Qingxian Hu, Junyan Miao , Xiaoli Wang , Chengtao Li , and Kewei Fang, Microstructure and Properties of ER50-6 Steel Fabricated by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, Scanning Volume 2021, Article ID 7846116, 8 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/7846116

     16. Xiaoli Wang , Qingxian Hu, Wenkang Liu, Wei Yuan , Xinwang Shen, Fengyin Gao , Douxi Tang and Zichen Hu, Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Multi-Trace and Multilayer Stainless Steel 321, Metals 2022, 12, 1039. https://doi.org/10.3390/met12061039.  

    17. Xiaoli Wang, Qingxian Hu, Tianqing Li, Wenkang Liu , Douxi Tang, Zichen Hu and Kang Liu, Microstructure and Fracture Performance of Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Inconel 625 Alloy by Hot-Wire GTAW, Metals 2022, 12, 510. https://doi.org/10.3390/met12030510.  

    18. Xiaoli Wang, Qingxian Hu, Wenkang Liu, Fugang Chen, Nan Xiao, and Shangwen Zhan, Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of Stainless Steel 308L Prepared by Cold Metal Transfer–Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2023, Https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-023-08728-1