
您是第75 Access

  • 1.Yayan Zhu, Zhenrui Tao, Xiaoyan Gu,Chunji Wang, Rui Lan*. Enhanced accident tolerance properties of AlCrCuFeMoNbx high entropy coating for nuclear fuel cladding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1010 (2025) 177206

    2.ZhaoYang Liu ,GuangCai Ma,Saifang Huang,Yanyan Yuan, Rui Lan*. Multi-valley band and low thermal conductivity in two-dimensional Mg3Bimono layer: A method for improving thermoelectric performance of Mg3Bibased on First-principles calculations.Physica B 699 (2025) 416828.

    3.Yu Fu,Guodong Wang,Yayan Zhu,Changlun Shi,Guoying Lu,Yingying Han,Yanyan Yuan, Junhua Xu,Rui Lan*. Critical processing parameters optimization and characterization of CrAlSiWN coating by industrial arc ion plating.Vacuum 226 (2024) 113313

    4.Yan Zhang, Dongjie Qian, Peng Zhou, Saifang Huang, Yanyan Yuan, Junhua XuRui Lan*.Improved thermoelectric properties of Ge2Sb2Te5 films by Bi doping: Experiments and first-principles calculation.Materials Today Communications 39 (2024) 108820

    5.Peng Zhou,Rui Lan*,Pengfei Wang, Jiale Miao,Saifang Huang,Yanyan Yuan,Junhua Xu.Tuned electronic band structure and intensified phonon scattering of Ge2Sb2Te5 by strain engineering for thermoelectric performance. Materials Today Communications 35 (2023) 105839.

    6.Jiale Miao, Pengfei Wang, Peng Zhou, Saifang Huang, Dongjie Qian, Yanyan Yuan,  Rui Lan*. Remarkable anisotropy in rhombohedral Ge2Sb2Te5 compound: a promising thermoelectric material with multiple conduction bands and acoustic-optical branches coupling.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 900 (2022) 163471.

    7.Jiale Miao, Dongjie Qian, Pengfei Wang, Shoutian Sun, Pengyue Yuan, Peng ZhouYanyan Yuan, Rui Lan*.Modulated carrier concentration and enhanced seebeck coefficient of Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films by Sn doping.Vacuum, 198 (2022) 110881.

    8.Xincheng Zhu, Zhenrui Tao, Chunji Wang, Yanwei Zhang, Guanghai Bai, Rui Lan*. Characterisation of AlCrCuFeMox  high entropy alloys for nuclear fuel cladding. Materials Science and Technology, 38 (2022) 1563-157.

    9.Dongjie Qian, Jiale Miao, Pengyue Yuan, Yanyan Yuan, Dongdong Song, and Rui Lan*.Thermoelectric properties of nitrogen-doped Ge2Sb2Tethin films.J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 33 (2022)12750–12759.

    10.Zhenrui Tao, Pengfei Wang, Chunji Wang, Zhifeng Ma, Yanwei Zhang, Fei XueGuanghai Bai, Yanyan Yuan, Rui Lan*. Design and characterisation of AlCrFeCuNbx alloys for accident-tolerant fuel cladding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds859 (2021) 157805.

    11.Lan Rui*, Otoo Samuel Leumas,Yuan Pengyue,Wang Pengfei; Yuan Yanyan;Jiang Xiaobao.Thermoelectric properties of Sn doped GeTe thin films, Applied Surface Science, 507 (2020)145025.

    12.Rui Lan*, Zhifeng Ma, Chunji Wang, Guoying Lu, Yanyan Yuan, Changlun Shi.Microstructural and tribological characterization of DLC coating by in-situ duplex plasma nitriding and arc ion platingDiamond & Related Materials98 (2019) 107473-1-6

    13.Lan R.*, Endo R., Kuwahara M., Kobayashi Y. and Susa M.Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Ge1Sb4TeChalcogenide Alloy,Journal of Electronic Materials, 46 (2017) 955960.

    14.Lan R.*, Endo R., Kuwahara M., Kobayashi Y. and Susa M.Density measurement of solid and molten Sb2 Te3chalcogenide alloy by sessile drop methodHigh Temperatures-High Pressures462017219-229.

    15. Lan R., Endo R., Kuwahara M., Kobayashi Y. and Susa M*. Electrical and heat conduction mechanisms of GeTe alloy for phase change memory application, J. Appl. Phys. 112 (2012) 053712-1-6.

    16.Lan R., Endo R., Kuwahara M., Kobayashi Y. and Susa M*. Thermal conductivities and conduction mechanisms of Sb-Te Alloys at high temperatures, J. Appl. Phys. 110 (2011) 023701-1-11.

    17. Lan R., Endo R., Kuwahara M., Kobayashi Y. and Susa M*. Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Solid Sb2Te3 by Hot-Strip Method, Jpn. J Appl. Phys. 49(2010) 078003-1-2.