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  • 陆君,男,工学博士,教授,硕士生导师。江苏省生态环境损害鉴定评估与修复效果评估专家,江苏省生态环境领域清洁生产审核专家,江苏省高新技术企业评审专家,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师,镇江市应急管理和安全生产专家库专家。主要研究兴趣为电化学水处理、电驱动污染物分离、电化学微通道分离。主要研究方向为电化学水(地下水)处理理论和应用、电场控制下污染物传质理论、水域突发污染物传质的数值模拟。Chemical engineering science, Chemical engineering journal, Chemosphere, Electrochimica acta,Process Safety and Environmental Protection等化学工程、电化学、环境类国际期刊发表论文二十余篇,授权国家发明专利12项。担任多个国际期刊(Chemical engineering science,Chemical engineering journal,Chemosphere等)审稿人。

  • 研究方向1:电化学水(土壤地下水)处理,土壤电动修复


  • 访问学者2016.042017.06Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University,江苏省政府公派留学

    工学博士, 2004.092009.06天津大学,化学工程专业(硕博连读)

    工学学士, 2000.092004.06南京工业大学,化学工程与工艺专业

  • 本科生课程:化工原理

    研究生课程:高等反应工程, 数值计算与过程模拟

    留学生课程:Advanced Reaction Engineering


    28.Wei He, Xinglong Cheng, Yan Huang, Yong Yang, Jun Lu*,The study of the effect of mass transfer of pollutants and flocs on continuous electrocoagulation processes, Separation and Purification Technology, 329 (2024) 125222


    27.Juan Deng, Yueji Cai, Jingsheng Chen, Qing Wang, Jun Lu(模型计算部分), Xiao Chen, Wuxiang Zhang, Kangjie Wu, Weikang Wang, Lingfei Wei, Fu Yang, Aihua Yuan, Huan Pang, and Chao Yu*, Towards Automated Microfluidic-based Platforms: Optimizing Hydrogenation Efficiency of Nitrobenzene through π–π Interactions in Pd Nanoparticles on Covalent Organic Frameworks, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62


    26. GuangQiang Zhang(2020级研究生),Isaac D. Tegladza, Yaqi Fan, Hongliang Dai, Mei Wang, Jun Lu*, Mathematical modelling of mass transfer during electrokinetic remediation of soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments,23(2023)3124–3136  



    25.Yaqi Fan(2020级研究生), Isaac D. Tegladza, Guangqiang Zhang, Hongliang Dai, Bing Liao*. Jun Lu*, Control of in-situ and ex-situ adsorptive floc transformation in Fe-EC by dissolved oxygen: Application for nickel, fluoride and methyl orange removal, Journal of Water Process Engineering,51(2023)103395


    24.Xiao Leng(2019级研究生), Isaac D. Tegladza, Abudukeremu Kadier, Hongliang Dai, Jun Lu*, In-situ generation of both hydroxyl radical and adsorptive flocs in electro-coagulation process with air breathing cathode.Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 164(2022):345-353


    23.Isaac Delove Tegladza(2018级留学生), Qiulin Xu, Kai Xu, Jun Lu*,Electrocoagulation processes: A general review about role of the electro-generated flocs in pollutant removal,Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2020,146 (2021) 169–189.


    22.  Qiuling Xu2018级研究生),Jun Lu*,Isaac Delove Tegladza,Zhenting Yang,,Could the optimization of electrocoagulation simply be based on. 2021, Desalination and Water Treatment224 (2021) 206–215

    21. Kai Xu2018级研究生),Jun Lu*,Isaac Delove Tegladza, Zhenting Yang,Guojun Lv,Combined metal/air fuel cell and electrocoagulation process: Energy generation, flocs production and pollutant removal, Chemosphere, 255(2020)126925,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126925

    20. Jun Lu*, Zhenting Yang2016级研究生), Jin Chen, Kai Xu, Tongyi Yang, Jing Zhang, Modeling of the mass transfer in continuous electrocoagulation process with bipolar electrodes,Desalination and Water Treatment, 136(2018)452-459

    19. Jun Lu*, Zhong-ru Wang2015级研究生), Xiaoyun Ma, Zhenting-Yang, Yan Li ,Modeling of the electrocoagulation process: a study on the mass transfer of electrolysis and hydrolysis products, Chemical Engineering Science, 165(2017)165-176


    8.Zhang, Jianfeng; Wang, Yuxin; Cao, Pengzhen, Jun Lu, JiejingZhang, A new discovery of the active impact of Pt/C particles aggregation on electrode performance in PEMFC, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(2017)527-534 

    17. Jiejing Zhang, Yuxin Wang, Jianfeng Zhang, Jing Liang, Jun Lu, Li Xu, The effect of Pt/C agglomerates in electrode on PEMFC performance using 3D micro-structure lattice models, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(2017): 12559-12566

    16. Yingjie Meng, Miaomiao Wang, Bo Guo, Fanping Zhu, Yan Wang, Jun Lu, Defang Ma,Yangyang Sun, Baoyu Gao, Characterization and C-, N-disinfection byproduct formation of dissolved organic matter in MBR and anaerobic-anoxic-oxic (AAO) processes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 315 (2017) 243–250

    15. Jun Lu*, Yan Li2013级研究生), Meng-xuan Yin, Xiao-yun Ma, Sheng-ling Lin, Removing heavy metal ions with continuous aluminum electrocoagulation: A study on back mixing and utilization rate of electro-generated Al ions.Chemical Engineering Journal, 267 (2015) 86-92


    14. Jun Lu*, Zhong-ru Wang2015级研究生), Yu-ling Liu, Qing Tang, Removal of Cr ions from aqueous solution using batch electrocoagulation: Cr removal mechanism and utilization rate of in-situ generated metal ions, Process Safety and Environment Protection, 104 (2016) 436-443


    13. Jun Lu*, Qing Tang2014级研究生), Chao Xu, Yan Li, A study on continuous and batch electrocoagulation process for fluoride removal, Desalination and watertreatment,57 (2016) 28417-28425

    12. Jun Lu*, Xiao-Yun Ma2013级研究生), Yu-Xin Wang, Numerical simulation of the electrodeionization (EDI) process with layered resin bed for deeply separating salt ions. Desalination and watertreatment, 57(2016)10546-10559

    11. Jun Lu*, Yu-Xin Wang, Yao-Yao Lu, et al, Numerical simulation of the electrodeionization (EDI) process for producing ultrapure water. Electrochimica Acta 55 (2010) 7188–7198.

    10. Jun Lu*, Yu-Xin Wang, Jia Zhu, Numerical simulation of the electrodeionization (EDI) process accounting for water dissociation.Electrochimica Acta 55(2010):2673-2686.

    9. Jun Lu, Dong-Jie Li, Li-Li Zhang, Yu-Xing Wang*, Numerical simulation of salt water electrolysis in parallel-plate electrode channel under forced convection. Electrochimica Acta 53 (2007): 768-776.



    7. 李艳,朱水平,马晓云,刘玉玲,林生岭,陆君*,电絮凝工艺及其在难降解有机废水处理中的研究进展,江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),2014,28(1), 77-81




    3.陆君*王宇新,闫秀芬,朱 佳电去离子中膜面水解离过程的数值计算研究.江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版), 4(2011)390-395

    2.陆君*,王宇新,朱佳,陈传祥电去离子过程中床层电导率的数值模拟研究江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版), 4(2012)208-212

    1. 李冬杰,陆君,王宇新*,PEMFC用石墨/酚醛树脂复合板的膨胀石墨表面改性化工学报,2008,59(9):2356-2360.


    (1) 陆君,陆鸿飞,朱佳,一种处理低浓度离子溶液的电去离子的方法及装置,2013.12.25,已授权,中国,ZL201210206147.7

    (2) 陆君,李艳,潘龙,陆鸿飞,蔡星伟,高玉华,一种利用铁炭微电解技术处理酸性橙Ⅱ染料废水的方法,2014.12.03,已授权,中国,ZL201310189096.6

    (3) 陆君,李艳,陆鸿飞,蔡星伟,潘龙,一种利用铁炭微电解技术处理含铜废水的方法,2014.10.22,已授权,中国,ZL201310189126.3

    (4) 陆君,李艳,刘玉玲,马晓云,沿流程加药连续电絮凝水处理方法,2015.07.15,已授权,中国,ZL201410245717.2

    (5) 陆君, 马晓云,陆鸿飞,李艳,蔡星伟, 潘龙 , 一种利用外循环电絮凝技术处理重金属离子废水的方法,2015.07.01,中国,ZL201310188850.4

    (6) 陆君,陆鸿飞,潘龙,李艳,马晓云,一种利用间歇脉冲电絮凝技术处理苯酚废水的方法,2015.04.08,已授权,中国,ZL201310187246.X

    (7) 陆君,刘玉玲,潘龙,陆鸿飞,李艳,马晓云,一种利用间歇脉冲电絮凝技术处理活性大红BES染料废水的方法,2015.07.01,已授权,中国,ZL201310187678.0

    (8) 陆君,陈晋,徐秋玲,徐凯,用于修复污染土壤的装置和方法,2020.11.23,中国,已授权,ZL201811502449.2

    (9) 陆君,杨振婷,陈晋,徐秋玲,徐凯,一种利用原电池和电絮凝耦合处理废水的方法,2021.06.21,中国,已授权,ZL201811395605X

    (10) 陆君,徐秋玲,徐凯,陈晋,程兴隆,廖博儒,冷宵, 一种分段式电化学水处理装置及采用该装置进行处理的方法, 2022.04.22,中国,已授权,ZL201911085910.3

    (11) 陆君,徐凯,徐秋玲,陈晋,程兴隆,廖博儒,冷宵,一种采用电絮凝耦合电催化氧化处理废水的装置及其处理方法,2022.8.26,中国,已授权,ZL201911085977.7

    (12) 陆君,冷宵,程兴隆,廖博儒,张光强,范雅琪,一种连续铁电化学-非均相芬顿的水处理装置及应用,2023.5.12,中国,已授权,ZL202011448040.4,申请号:202011448040.4

    (13) 陆君;张光强;王涛;范雅琦;李文娟;何伟;黄燕;谷家扬, 一种对流强化离子传质的铁电化学水处理方法,2024.1.30,202111426224.5,ZL 2021 1 1426224.5已授权

    (14) 嵇磊;程兴隆;陆君;郭彦鹏;韦娟;杨东方, 一种电絮凝装置及采用上述电絮凝装置处理废水的方法,2023.12.12,ZL 202210227158.7


    (14) 一种电絮凝装置及采用上述电絮凝装置处理废水的方法。专利申请号 2022102271587

    (15) 一种基于电化学技术的气体处理装置及处理方法。专利申请号 2022107405855

    (16) 一种基于电化学技术的VOCs气体处理装置。专利申请号:2023108234209


    刘玉玲(2014届,江西省科学院科技战略所 助理研究员)个人邮箱:yuling0311@163.com

    马晓云(2015届,北京101远程教育 教学服务部副总监个人邮箱:maxiaoyun@chinaedu.com

    李 艳(2015届,南京一目智能科技有限公司 测试工程师)个人邮箱:578570493@qq.com

    汤 青(2016届,江苏盐城大丰跃龙化学有限公司 从事环保研发)个人邮箱:754110384@qq.com

    王仲如(2018届,江苏京源环保股份有限公司 国际事业部总经理助理)个人邮箱:wangzhongru@jsjyep.com


    陈 晋(2020届,中国石化仪征化纤有限责任公司,装置工艺工程师)个人邮箱:1135575953@qq.com

    徐 凯(2021届,中国中化南通星辰合成材料有限公司,工程师助理)个人邮箱:947439595@qq.com

    徐秋玲(2021届,南通玲永织物有限公司,财会) 个人邮箱:604621038@qq.com

    Isaac D. Tegladz (2021届,南京工业大学化学工程系在读博士) 个人邮箱:idelove6@gmail.com

