
您是第52 Access

  • 学术专著:




    (1)《水运工程结构防腐蚀施工规范》(JTS/T 209-2020),负责钢结构外加电流阴极保护章节编写


    (1)Zhou Zou, Zhihong Liu, Lanlan Yang, Yanbing Tang*, Yanxin Qiao, Daohua Lu,Corrosion behavior of different building planes of selective laser melting 316L stainless steel in 0.1 M HCl solution,Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024,28:4738–4753.(Top期刊)


    (3)Tian Gao, Zhihong Liu, Lanlan Yang, Yanbing Tang*,Daohua Lu, Yang Yu, Yanxin Qiao, Passivation behavior of SLM 316L SS for differend buliding planes in 3.5% NaCl solution,steel research international,2023,(94)7,2200759.

    (4)汤雁冰,沈新旺,刘志红,乔岩欣,杨兰兰,卢道华,邹家生,许静,激光选区熔化Inconel 718合金在NaOH溶液中的腐蚀行为,金属学报,2022,58(3):324-333(封面论文、高被引论文、热点论文) 

    (5)Yanbing Tang, Xinwang Shen, Yanxin Qiao, Lanlan Yang, Jian Chen, Daohua Lu, Zhongyu Zhang, Corrosion Behavior of a Selective Laser Melted Inconel 718 Alloy in a 3.5 wt.% NaCl Solution, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance ,2021, 30:5506–5514

    (6)Yanbing Tang, Xinwang Shen, Zhihong Liu, Ying Li,Effect of the different solid deposits on the corrosion behaviour of pure Fe in water vapor at 500 oC, Scanning,2020,s1:1-8

    (7)Yanbing Tang,Shengnian Wang,Yunpu Xu,Jingxu Ni,Influence of calcium nitrite on the passive films of rebar in simulated concrete pore solution,Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials,2017,64(3):265-272(4) 

    (8)Yanbing Tang,Shennian Wang,Long Chen,Zhihong Fan,preparation and properties of embeddable Ag/AgCl gelling reference electrode for rebars corrosion monitoring in concrete,China Ocean Engineering,2015,29(6):925-932

    (9)Yanbing Tang,Li Liu,Ying Li,Fuhui Wang,the corrosion behavior of pure iron under solid Na2SO4 deposit in wet oxygen flow at 500 oC,Materials,2014(7):6144-6157

    (10)Yanbing Tang,Li Liu,Ying Li,Fuhui Wang,the electrochemical corrosion mechanisms of pure Cr with NaCl deposit in water vapor at 600 oC,Journal of the Electrochemical Society,2011,158(8):C237-C241(top期刊)

    (11)Yanbing Tang,Li Liu,Ying Li,Fuhui Wang,Evidence for the occurrence of electrochemical reactions and their interaction with chemical reactions during the corrosion of pure Fe with solid NaCl deposit in water vapor at 600°C,Electrochemistry Communications,2010,12(2):191-193(top期刊)

    (12)Yanbing Tang,Long Chen,Shengnian Wang,Zhihong Fan,evaluation of the corrosion risk on the immersed tunnel of the Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge,Applied Mechanics Material,2013,256-259:1075-1081

    (13) 汤雁冰,倪静姁,李萌虎,王胜年,范志宏,温度对埋入式混凝土结构耐久性监测传感器监测结果的影响,水运工程,2016,(8):13-17
    (14) 汤雁冰,陈龙,王胜年,范志宏,港珠澳大桥桥梁混凝土结构附加防腐蚀措施设计研究,腐蚀科学与防护技术,2016,28(4):384-390
    (15) 汤雁冰,王胜年,范志宏,方翔,混凝土结构耐久性监测传感器国内工程适用性研究,水运工程,2016,(3):19-22
    (16) 汤雁冰,王胜年,混凝土耐久性监测传感器的研制及应用,水运工程,2015,(3):99-103
    (17) 汤雁冰,徐云浦,王迎飞,熊建波,范志宏,环氧涂层钢筋涂层破损情况的电化学阻抗研究,水运工程,2015,(5):40-43

    (18) 汤雁冰,熊建波,方翔,陈龙,李海洪,港珠澳大桥主体混凝土结构耐久性实时监测设计,中国港湾建设,2014,(2):29-32
    (19) 汤雁冰,王胜年,范志宏,陈龙,港口工程混凝土结构物全寿命成本分析,中国港湾建设,2013,(6):68-71
    (20) 汤雁冰,刘莉,李瑛,王福会,王维名,纯Cr在固态NaCl和水蒸气协同作用下电化学腐蚀机制研究,腐蚀科学与防护技术,2010,22(4):303-306

