  •     近年来,王念新在Information Systems ResearchProduction and Operations ManagementJournal of Management Information SystemsJournal of the Association for Information SystemsMIT Sloan Management ReviewDecision Support SystemsInternet ResearchInformation Technology & PeopleElectronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsCommunications of the Association for Information Systems等国际期刊发表论文24篇,其中UTD-24ABS-4*期刊3篇,FT-50期刊5ABS-3及以上期刊12篇,ABDC-A类及以上期刊19篇,FMS-B类及以上期刊14篇,SCI/SSCI检索期刊23篇。

        说明:(UTD-24是指UT Dallas界定的管理类24本顶级期刊;FT-50是指Financial Times界定的商学院50本顶级期刊;ABS是指国际公认的Associate of Business Council的期刊分级列表,共1-4星,4*最高,采用最新的2021版本;ABDC是国际公认Australian Business Deans Council的期刊分级列表本,共ABC三级,A*为最高,采用最新的2019版;FMS是指中国管理科学高质量期刊分级列表,共分成ABCD四个等级,A为最高;IF是指2020年的影响因子)。

    [1].Huigang Liang, Nianxin Wang, Yajiong Xue. Juggling IT Exploration and Exploitation to Improve Organizational Agility: A Proportional Balance View of IT Ambidexterity [J]. Information Systems Research, Accepted, https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.2022.1105. (UTD-24, FT-50, ABS-4*, ABDC-A*, FMS-A, JCR-Q1, IF=5.207)

    [2].Huigang Liang, Nianxin Wang, Yajiong Xue, Shilun Ge. Unraveling the Alignment Paradox: How Does Business-IT Alignment Shape Organizational Agility? [J]. Information Systems Research, 2017, 28(4): 863-879. (UTD-24, FT-50, ABS-4*, ABDC-A*, FMS-A, JCR-Q1, IF=5.207)

    [3].Nianxin Wang, Huigang Liang, Yajiong Xue, Shilun Ge. Mitigating Information Asymmetry to Achieve Crowdfunding Success: Signaling and Online Communication [J]. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2021, 22(3): 773-796. (ABS-4*, ABDC-A*, FMS-A, JCR-Q1, IF=5.149)

    [4].Nianxin Wang, Huigang Liang, Weijun Zhong, Yajiong Xue, Jinhua Xiao. Resource Structuring or Capability Building? An Empirical Study on Business Value of Information Technology [J]. Journal of Management Information Systems, 2012, 29(2): 327-369. (FT-50, ABS-4, ABDC-A*, FMS-A, JCR-Q1, IF=7.838)

    [5].Nianxin Wang, Huigang Liang, Yu Jia, Shilun Ge,Yajiong Xue, Zhining Wang. Cloud Computing Research in the IS Discipline: A Citation/Co-citation Analysis [J]. Decision Support Systems, 2016, 86(6): 35-47. (ABS-3, ABDC-A*, FMS-A, JCR-Q1, IF=5.795)

    [6].Nianxin Wang, Yajiong Xue, Huigang Liang, Zhining Wang, Shilun Ge. The Dual Roles of the Government in Cloud Computing Assimilation: An Empirical Study in China [J].Information Technology & People, 2019, 32(1): 147-170. (ABS-3, ABDC-A, FMS-B, JCR-Q2, IF=3.879)

    [7].Nianxin Wang, Huigang Liang, Yajiong Xue, Shilun Ge, Jing Ma. Enablers and Inhibitors of Cloud Computing Assimilation: An Empirical Study [J].Internet Research, Accepted. (ABS-3, ABDC-A, FMS-C, JCR-Q1, IF=6.773)

    [8].Nianxin Wang, Qingxiang Li, Huigang Liang, Taofeng Ye, Shilun Ge. Understanding the Importance of Interaction between Creators and Backers in Crowdfunding Success [J]. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2018, 27(1): 106-117. (ABS-2, ABDC-C, FMS-C, JCR-Q1, IF=6.014)

    [9].Zhenghua Li, Nianxin Wang, Shilun Ge. Exploitative or explorative innovation? An event study of cloud computing business value[J]. Electronic Commerce Research, Accepted. (ABS-2, ABDC-A, FMS-C, JCR-Q3, IF=3.747)

    [10].Xiaoteng Zhu, Shilun Ge, Nianxin Wang. Digital Transformation: A Systematic Literature Review [J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 162: 107774. (ABS-2, ABDC-A, FMS-B, JCR-Q1, IF=5.431)

    [11].Yu Jia, Shilun Ge, Nianxin Wang. Analyzing enterprise information system’s feature use: a data-driven perspective [J]. Information Technology & People, 2021, 34(1): 375-398. (ABS-3, ABDC-A, FMS-B, JCR-Q2, IF=3.879)

    [12].Zhenghua Li, Huigang Liang, Nianxin Wang, Yajiong Xue, Shilun Ge. Efficiency or Innovation?: The Long-Run Payoff of Cloud Computing[J]. Journal of Global Information Management, 2021, 29(6): 1-23. (ABS-2, ABDC-B, FMS-C, JCR-Q3, IF=1.373)

    [13].Jian Lu, Xiang Su, Yajing Diao, Nianxin Wang, Bin Zhou. Does online observational learning matter? Empirical evidence from panel data[J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021, 60: 102480. (ABS-2, ABDC-A, FMS-C, JCR-Q1, IF=7.135)

    [14].Zhining Wang, Shaohan Cai, Huigang Liang, Nianxin Wang, Erwei Xiang. Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance: the Mediating Role of Innovation Speed and Quality [J]. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2021, 32(6): 1222-1250.(ABS-3, ABDC-A, FMS-B, JCR-Q2, IF=5.546)

    [15].Zhiying Wang, Nianxin Wang, Xiang Su, Shilun Ge. An Empirical Study on Business Analytics Affordances Enhancing the Management of Cloud Computing Data Security [J]. International Journal of Information Management, 2020, 50(1): 280-294.(ABS-2, ABDC-A*, FMS-B, JCR-Q1, IF=14.098)

    [16].Xing Wan, Nianxin Wang, Ben Shaw-Ching Liu. Impact of O2O platform multihoming and vertical integration on performance of local service firms – a quantile regression approach [J]. Internet Research, 2020, 30 (5): 1583-1610. (ABS-3, ABDC-A, FMS-C, JCR-Q1, IF=6.773)

    [17].Taofeng Ye, Ning Wang, Nianxin Wang. Analysis on Product Rollover Strategies: The Innovation Level Perspective [J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 2020, 88: 59-69. (ABS-3, ABDC-A*, FMS-B, JCR-Q1, IF=6.96)

    [18].Yi Wang, Yang Chen, Nianxin Wang, Saggi Nevo, Gang Kou, Fawaz Alsaadi. Impact of the Strategic Role of IT on Explorative and Exploitative Innovation Activities: The Role of Environmental Uncertainty [J].Decision Sciences, 2020, 51(3): 542-574.(ABS-3, ABDC-A*, FMS-B, JCR-Q2, IF=4.147)

    [19].Huigang Liang, Nianxin Wang, Yajiong Xue, Shilun Ge, Sam Ransbotham. Can IT Be Too in Sync With Business Strategy? [J]. MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018, 59(3): 1-5. (FT-50, ABS-3, ABDC-A, FMS-B, JCR-Q3, IF=3.155)

    [20].Jinnan Wu, Nianxin Wang, Zhining Wang. Impact of Information Technology Capability on Financial Performance during the Period of Economic Downturn: The Case of Chinese Listed Companies [J]. Electronic Commerce Research, 2017, 17(3): 403-423. (ABS-2, ABDC-A, FMS-C, JCR-Q3, IF=3.747)

    [21].Zhining Wang, Nianxin Wang, Jinwei Cao, Xinfeng Ye. The Impact of Intellectual Capital – Knowledge Management Strategy Fit on Firm Performance [J]. Management Decision, 2016, 54 (8): 1861-1885. (ABS-2, ABDC-B, FMS-C, JCR-Q2, IF=4.957)

    [22].Zhining Wang, Nianxin Wang, Huigang Liang. Knowledge Sharing, Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance [J]. Management Decision, 2014, 52(2): 230-258. (ABS-2, ABDC-B, FMS-C, JCR-Q2, IF=4.957)

    [23].Zhining Wang, Nianxin Wang. Knowledge Sharing, Innovation and Firm Performance [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2012, 39(10):8899-8908.(ABS-1, ABDC-C, FMS-C, JCR-Q1, IF=6.954)

    [24].Nianxin Wang, Yajiong Xue, Huigang Liang, Shilun Ge. The Road to Business-IT Alignment: A Case Study of Two Chinese Companies [J]. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2011, 28: 415-436. (ABS-2, ABDC-A, FMS-B)



    [1].胡皓, 王念新, 葛世伦. 多维度信息技术匹配对企业敏捷性影响的实证研究[J]. 管理评论, 录用.国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部A类重要期刊,FMS-T1CSSCI检索

    [2].王念新, 周春阳, 万兴, 葛世伦. 共享经济平台构建初期“烧钱”战略有用性的实证研究. [J]. 管理评论, 2021, 33(03): 225-232.国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部A类重要期刊,FMS-T1CSSCI检索

    [3].王念新, 吕爽, 周园, 葛世伦. 连续发起人的经验对众筹成功的影响:经验相关性的调节效应分析[J]. 管理工程学报, 2020, 34(4): 89-100.国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部A类重要期刊,FMS-T1CSSCI检索

    [4].李清香, 王念新, 吕爽, 葛世伦. 发起人与出资者的在线交互对众筹项目成功的影响[J]. 管理工程学报, 2020, 34(1): 118-126.国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部A类重要期刊,FMS-T1CSSCI检索

    [5].周园, 王念新, 梅强. 众筹平台中出资人信息隐藏行为的不利影响:发起人在线互动行为的调节效应[J]. 系统管理学报, 2020, 29(03): 502-512. 国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部A类重要期刊,FMS-T2CSSCI检索

    [6].王念新, 施慧, 王志英, 葛世伦. 信息安全威胁的应对行为——基于云计算情境的实证研究[J]. 系统管理学报, , 2018, 27(4): 683-692. 国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部A类重要期刊FMS-T2CSSCI

    [7].王念新, 李清香, 倪丹, 葛世伦, 苏翔. 信息系统使用对企业员工绩效影响的实证研究[J]. 管理评论, 2017, 29(6): 141-151. 国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部A类重要期刊FMS-T1CSSCI

    [8].王念新, 贾昱, 葛世伦, 苏翔. 企业多层次信息技术与业务匹配的动态性基于海尔的案例研究[J]. 管理评论, 2016, 28(7): 261-272. 国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部A类重要期刊FMS-T1CSSCI

    [9].王念新, 侯洁, 葛世伦. 从众还是旁观?众筹市场中出资者行为的实证研究[J]. 管理工程学报, 2016, 30(4): 124-134. 国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部A类重要期刊FMS-T1CSSCI

    [10].王念新, 葛世伦, 王智宁, 吴金南. 反映式测量模型与构成式测量模型的差异:基于TAM的实证研究[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2013, 33(12): 3127-3138. 国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部A类重要期刊FMS-T1CSSCI

    [11].王念新, 葛世伦, 王智宁, 吴金南. 反映式测量模型与构成式测量模型的差异:基于TAM的实证研究[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2013, 33(12): 3127-3138. 国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部A类重要期刊FMS-T1CSSCI检索

    [12].王念新, 葛世伦, 苗虹. 信息技术资源和信息技术能力的互补性及其绩效影响[J]. 管理工程学报, 2012, 26(3): 166-175. 国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部A类重要期刊FMS-T1CSSCI检索

    [13].王念新, 仲伟俊, 梅姝娥. 信息技术战略价值的实证研究[J]. 管理科学学报, 2011, 14(7): 55-70. 国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部A类重要期刊FMS-T1CSSCI检索

    [14].王念新, 仲伟俊, 梅姝娥. 我国管理学研究中测量模型误设及仿真分析[J]. 管理工程学报, 2011, 25(2): 109-117. 国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部A类重要期刊FMS-T1CSSCI检索

    [15].王念新, 仲伟俊, 梅姝娥. 信息技术、核心能力和企业绩效的实证研究[J]. 管理科学, 2010, 23(1): 52-64. 国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部A类重要期刊FMS-T1CSSCI检索


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