
您是第68 Access

  • 论文:

    [1]Gen Li, Yumeng Ren , Chengyu Jiang , Weiwei Wang , Yujie Guo. Coordinated evolution game of marine supply chain from the perspective of sustainable development based on system dynamics[J].Ocean & Coastal Management, 2024, 254,107195.SCI&SSCI

    [2]Gen Li, Yujie Guo, Huaming Jiang, Lingyuan Kong, Ying Zhou & Weiwei Wang. Green ship evaluation based on improved AHP-FCE-ODM model from the perspective of shipbuilding supply chain[J].International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications2023,5, 2213659.SSCI

    [3]Ying Zhou, Gen Li(通讯作者), Shaorui Zhou, Daoxian Hu, Shiyu Zhang, Lingyuan Kong.Spatio-temporal differences and convergence analysis of green development efficiency of marine economy in China[J].Ocean & Coastal Management, 2023, 238,106560.SCI&SSCI

    [4]李根,刘欣雨,刘家国,周莹.产业协同集聚如何影响制造业绿色韧性?-基于突变级数与双固定动态SDM模型的实证分析[J].中国管理科学,2023. CSSCI,已录用)

    [5]Gen Li, Ying Zhou, Fan Liu, Airui Tian.Regional Difference and Convergence Analysis of Marine Science and Technology Innovation Efficiency in China[J].Ocean & Coastal Management,2021205105581.SCI&SSCI

    [6]Ying Cui,Kai Qiu, Gen Li(通讯作者), Huaming Jiang, Lingyuan Kong.Spatiotemporal differentiation of energy eco-efficiency of shipbuilding industry in China[J].Ocean & Coastal Management,2022,230,106347.SCI&SSCI

    [7]Gen Li,Ying Zhou,Fan Liu, Tao Wang.Regional Differences of Manufacturing Green Development Efficiency Considering Undesirable Outputs in the Yangtze River Economic Belt Based on Super-SBM and WSR System Methodology[J].Frontiers in Environmental Science,2021,8:1-15.(SCI)

    [8]Fan Liu, Gen Li(通讯作者), Ying Zhou, Yinghui Ma and Tao Wang.Spatio-Temporal Variation of Health Production Efficiency Considering Environmental Pollution in China Based on Modified EBM and Spatial Econometric Model[J].Frontiers in Public Health,2021,9:792590.SCI&SSCI



    [11]Gen LiJia-Guo LiuXiao-Min Wang.Analysis of Influencing Factors of Change ofManufacturing Energy Intensity in China Based on WSR System Methodology and VAR Model[J]. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education,2017,13(12):80398050.


    [13]李根,张光明,刘家国我国船舶工业技术效率地区差异及收敛性分析[J]. 中国造船,2017,58(02):165-177.

    [14]李根,冯鑫明.江苏工业能耗强度变动机理与实证分析[J]. 生态经济,2017,33(06):28-32+41.





    [19]Li G.#, Zhang G. M, Luo X.F.. Nonlinear Optimization Model Construction and Empirical Analysis of Complete Energy Intensity in Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry Based on Input and Output[C]// Seventh International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization. IEEE, 2014:320-324. (EI检索)

    [20]李根黄辉程逸飞我国能源价格对能源强度影响的实证研究——基于1980201129个省市自治区的面板数据协整分析[J]. 价格理论与实践, 2013(2):73-74.




    [24] Li G, Zhao J L, Su Y. Empirical research on regional financial development level of China[C]// International Conference on Management Science and Engineering. 2011:854-862.(EI检索)

    [25]李根赵金楼波罗的海干散货运价指数与我国宏观经济景气指数关系的实证研究[J]. 价格理论与实践, 2011(12):49-50.

    [26]李根张光明袁林江苏造船业竞争优势因素分析[J]. 江苏科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 11(1):75-78.

    [27]Li, Gen; Lv, Chunlei; Cheng, Yifei. Research on Innovation of Shipbuilding Supply Chain Management based on Complexity Adaptive System[C].ICEIS (1), 389-395(2011)

