
您是第51 Access

  • 近年来,胡青蜜博士在IISE Transactions工业工程领域国际顶级期刊)、Transportation Research Part B: Methodological交通运输领域国际顶级期刊)、Computers & Industrial EngineeringEuropean Journal of Industrial Engineering等国际重要期刊发表论文20余篇,其中ABS-4期刊1篇,FMS-A期刊3篇,FMS-C类及以上期刊8篇,SCI/SSCI检索期刊18篇。

    说明:(ABS是指国际公认的Associate of Business Council的期刊分级列表,共1-4星,4*最高,采用最新的2021版本;FMS是指中国管理科学高质量期刊分级列表,共分成ABCD四个等级,A为最高;IF是指2021年的期刊影响因子)。



    1Qing-Mi Hu, Laijun Zhao*, Huiyong Li, Rongbing Huang. Integrated design of emergency shelter and medical networks considering diurnal population shifts in urban areas [J]. IISE Transactions, 2019, 51(6): 614-637.SCI, IF= 2.681, ABS-3, FMS-A

    2Qing-Mi Hu, Shaolong Hu*, Jian Wang, Xiaoping Li. Stochastic single allocation hub location problems with balanced utilization of hub capacities [J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2021, 153: 204-227.SCI, IF= 5.596, ABS-4, FMS-A

    3Qing-Mi Hu, Zhi-Hua Hu*, Yuquan Du. Berth and quay-crane allocation problem considering fuel consumption and emissions from vessels [J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2014, 70: 1-10.SCI, IF= 5.431, ABS-2, FMS-B

    4Qing-Mi Hu*. Hub location problem with balanced round-trip flows on hub links [J]. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2021, 15(1): 131-166.SCI, IF= 1.371, ABS-2

    5Qing-Mi Hu*. A reconfiguration optimisation model for hub-and-spoke network mergers [J]. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2017, 11(1): 101-132.SCI, IF= 1.371, ABS-2



    1Laijun Zhao, Yue Zhao*, Qingmi Hu, Huiyong Li, Johan Stoeter. Evaluation of consolidation center cargo capacity and locations for China Railway Express [J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, 117: 58-81.SCI/SSCI, IF= 6.875, ABS-3, FMS-A

    2Huiyong Li, Laijun Zhao*, Rongbing Huang, Qingmi Hu. Hierarchical earthquake shelter planning in urban areas: a case for Shanghai in China [J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2017, 22: 431-446.SCI, IF= 4.320,FMS-C

    3Laijun Zhao, Johan Stoeter*, Huiyong Li, Qingmi Hu, Zhaolin Cheng, Xiaoli Wang. European hub location problem for China Railway Express in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative [J]. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2020, 23(6): 561-579.SCI/SSCI, IF= 3.821, FMS-C

    4Zhaolin Cheng, Laijun Zhao*, Guangxiang Wang*, Huiyong Li, Qingmi Hu. Selection of consolidation center locations for China railway express to reduce greenhouse gas emission [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 305: 126872.SCI, IF= 9.297, FMS-C

    5Laijun Zhao, Jiajia Wang*, H. Oliver Gao, Yujing Xie, Ran Jiang, Qingmi Hu, Yan Sun. Evaluation of particulate matter concentration in Shanghai's metro system and strategy for improvement [J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 53: 115-127.SCI/SSCI,IF= 5.495, FMS-B

    6Laijun Zhao, Ying Qian, Qing-Mi Hu*, Ran Jiang, Meiting Li, Xulei Wang. An analysis of hazardous chemical accidents in China between 2006 and 2017 [J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(8): 2935.SCI/SSCI, IF= 2.592

    7Hai-Ying Gu, Qing-Mi Hu, Tian-Qiong Wang*. Payment for rice growers to reduce using N fertilizer in the GHG mitigation program driven by the government: evidence from Shanghai [J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11(7): 1927.SCI/SSCI, IF= 2.592

    8Laijun Zhao, Huiyong Li*, Meichen Li, Yan Sun, Qingmi Hu, Shirong Mao, Jianguang Li, Jian Xue. Location selection of intra-city distribution hubs in the metro-integrated logistics system [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 80: 246-256.SCI, IF= 5.915

    9Hongbo Wang, Laijun Zhao*, Yujing Xie, Qingmi Hu.APEC blue”—The effects and implications of joint pollution prevention and control program [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 553: 429-438.SCI, IF= 7.963

    10Yujing Xie, Laijun Zhao*, Jian Xue, Qingmi Hu, Xiang Xu, HongboWang. A cooperative reduction model for regional air pollution control in China that considers adverse health effects and pollutant reduction costs [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 573: 458-469.SCI, IF= 7.963

    11Laijun Zhao, Zhaolin Cheng*, Huiyong Li, Qingmi Hu. Evolution of the China railway express consolidation network and optimization of consolidation routes [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019, 2019: 9536273.SCI, IF=1.983

    12Laijun Zhao, Huiyong Li*, Yan Sun, Rongbing Huang, Qingmi Hu, Jiajia Wang, Fei Gao. Planning emergency shelters for urban disaster resilience: an integrated location-allocation modeling approach [J]. Sustainability, 2017, 9: 2098.SCI/SSCI, IF= 2.592

    13Laijun Zhao, Xiaoli Wang*, Johan Stoeter, Yan Sun, Huiyong Li, Qingmi Hu, Meichen Li. Path optimization model for intra-city express delivery in combination with subway system and ground transportation [J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11: 758.SCI/SSCI,IF= 2.592

    14Qing-Mi Hu, Zhi-Hua Hu*. A stochastic programming model for hub-and-spoke network with uncertain flows [J]. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2015, 21(3): 302-319.EI

    15Qing-Mi Hu, Zhi-Hua Hu*. Resource balancing in the design of hub-and-spoke network for LTL logistics [J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2014, 8(1): 101-110.

    16胡青蜜*, 胡志华, 陶莎. 二级轴辐式零担物流网络设计的资源均衡利用问题 [J]. 公路交通科技, 2013, 30(4): 124-131.(北大中文核心)

    17胡青蜜,胡志华*. 考虑不确定货流及其影响的轴辐式网络随机规划模型 [J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版),2014, 48(2): 197-205.(北大中文核心)

    18胡青蜜,胡志华*. 考虑运输成本与时间竞争的轴辐式网络设计问题 [J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版),2015, 49(2): 314-321.(北大中文核心)