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2. Ye T., H. Sun. 2016. Price-setting newsvendor with strategic consumers. Omega, 63: 103-110. 102: 147-159.
3. Ye T., X. Pan. 2016. Fatigue, cognitive performance, and subjective recovery time estimation in high-intensity work. IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 4: 141-150.
4. Ye T., S. Ma. 2016. Discount-offering and demand-rejection decisions for substitutable products with different profit levels. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 12(1): 45-71.
5. Ye T., X. Pan. 2015. A convenient prediction model for complete recovery time after exhaustion in high-intensity work. Ergonomics, 58(8): 1433-1444.
6. Ye T. 2014. Inventory management with simultaneously horizontal and vertical substitution. International Journal of Production Economics, 156: 316-324.
7. Ye T. 2012. Analysis on multi-stage lot streaming: the effect of transfer. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 62: 1046-1054.
8. Ye T. 2009. Queueing network analysis on dynamic lot streaming. Computers & Operations Research, 36: 415-424.
9. Ye T., W. Han. 2008. Determination of buffer sizes for drum-buffer-rope (DBR)-controlled production systems. International Journal of Production Research, 46(10): 2827-2844.
10. 叶涛锋,达庆利,徐宣国. 2016. 需求与提前期不确定下的生产——销售协调. 中国管理科学24(10): 133-140.
11. 叶涛锋,达庆利. 2012. 面向批量订货和多需求类的生产与库存配给. 管理科学学报15(1): 33-42.
12. 叶涛锋,达庆利. 2012. 需求替代情形下反应能力的价值分析. 中国管理科学20(3): 175-184.
13. 叶涛锋,达庆利. 2011. 批量到达及不完美信息条件下损失系统的准入控制. 控制与决策26(7): 1041-1045, 1050.
14. 叶涛锋,达庆利. 2011. 基于批量流的多阶段生产系统的优化问题研究. 中国管理科学19(2): 71-78.
15. 叶涛锋,达庆利. 2011. 考虑积欠订货的MTS系统的生产与库存配给. 系统工程学报26(1): 98-104.