
您是第122 Access

  • 近年来,指导学生发表的部分论文:

    [1] Xianghu Wu(武相虎), Shucheng Huang, Xin Shu(束鑫), Chunlong Hu, Xiao-Jun Wu, MPFC-Net: A multi-perspective feature compensation network for medical image segmentation, Expert Systems with Applications, 248 (2024) 123430.  (SCI一区, TOP)

    [2] Xin Shu(束鑫), Jiangsu Wang(王佳树), Aoping Zhang, Jinlong Shi, Xiao-Jun Wu, CSCA U-Net: A channel and space compound attention CNN for medical image segmentation, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine150 (2024) 102800.  (SCI二区)

    [3] Chufan Liu(刘楚凡)Xin Shu(束鑫), Dan Xu, Jinglong ShiGCCF: A lightweight and scalable network for underwater image enhancementEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,  128 (2024) 107462. (SCI二区, TOP期刊

    [4] Chufan Liu(刘楚凡) Xin Shu(束鑫), Lei Pan, Jinglong Shi, Bin HanMultiscale Underwater Image Enhancement in RGB and HSV Color SpacesIEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement,  72 (2023) 5021814. (SCI二区, TOP期刊

    [5] Xin Shu(束鑫), Xiaojie Li(李晓洁), Xin Zuo, Dan Xu, Jinlong Shi, Face Spoofing Detection Based on Multi-scale Color Inversion Dual-stream Convolutional Neural Network, Expert Systems with Applications, 244 (2023) 119988.  (SCI一区, TOP)

    [6] Chao Zhao(赵超)Xin Shu(束鑫), Xi Yan, Xin Zuo, Feng Zhu, RDD-YOLO: A modified YOLO for detection of steel surface detects, Measurement, 214 (2023) 112776. (高被引论文SCI二区, TOP期刊

    [7] Xin Shu(束鑫) Jia Li(李佳), Liang Shi, Shucheng HuangRES-CapsNet: An improved capsule network for micro-expression recognitionMultimedia Systems, 2023, 29, 1593-1601. (SCI

    [8] Jiawen Lu, Jinglong Shi, Haowei Zhu, Jun Ni, Xin Shu(束鑫) et alDepth Guidance and Intra-Domain Adaptation for Semantic SegmentationIEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement,  72 (2023) 5008313. (SCI二区, TOP期刊

    [9] Xianhua Duan, Chaoqiang Jin, Xin Shu(束鑫), HCPSNet heterogeneous cross‑pseudo‑supervision network  with confidence evaluation for semi-supervised medical image segmentation, Multimedia Systems,  2023, 29, 2809-2823. (SCI三区

    [10] Xin Shu(束鑫) Hui Pan(潘慧), Jinlong Shi, Xiaoning Song, Xiao-Jun WuUsing global information to refine local patterns for texture representation and classificationPattern Recognition, 131 (2022) 108843. (SCI一区, TOP

    [11] Xin Shu(束鑫) Yingyan Gu(顾迎燕), Xin Zhang, Chunlong Hu, Ke ChengFCRB U-net: A novel fully connected residual block U-net for fetal cerebellum ultrasound image segmentationComputers in Biology and Medicine, 148 (2022) 105693. (SCI二区

    [12] Xin Shu(束鑫),  Feng Chang(常峰), Xin Zhang, Changbin Shao, Xibei YangECAU-Net: Efficient channel attention U-Net for fetal ultrasound cerebellum segmentationBiomedical Signal Processing and Control, 75 (2022) 103528. (SCI二区

    [13] Xin Shu(束鑫), Zhigang Song(宋志刚), Jinlong Shi, Shucheng Huang, Xiao-Jun Wu, Multiple Channels Local Binary Pattern for Color Texture Representation and Classification, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 98 (2021) 116392. (SCI二区

    [14] Xin Shu(束鑫), Kun Xia(夏坤), Hui Pan, Lei Pan, Ming Zhang, Face anti-spoofing based on weighted neighborhood pixel difference pattern[J], Journal of Electronic Imaging, 30(3), 033003 (10 May 2021). (SCI四区

    [15] Xin Shu(束鑫), Hui Tang(唐慧), Shucheng Huang, Face spoofing detection based on chromatic ED-LBP texture feature[J], Multimedia Systems, 2021, 27, 161-176. (SCI四区)

    [16] 束鑫, 唐慧, 杨习贝, 宋晓宁, 吴小俊. 基于差分量化局部二值模式的人脸反欺诈算法研究[J], 计算机研究与发展, 2020, 57(7): 1508-1521.(CCF-A类期刊,EI检索)

    [17] 束鑫, 潘慧, 邵长斌, 史金龙, 吴小俊. 基于局部排序差值细化模式的纹理图像分类[J], 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2020,32(12): 1948-1956+1966. (CCF-A类期刊, EI检索)

    [18] 束鑫, 常锋, 张歆, 杜睿, 余转. 基于BCNN的胎儿颅脑超声横切面识别算法[J], 计算机科学, 2021, 48(04):151-156.CCF-B类期刊, 核心期刊)

    [19] 唐慧束鑫基于分块彩色MB-LBP纹理的人脸反欺诈算法[J], 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 34(3): 48-53. (核心期刊)