[56]D. Wang, Y. Pan, K. Tang, H. Li, B. Han and F. Wang, AFFPD-ONEE: Overlapping and Nested Event Extraction Based on Adaptive Fusion Filtering and Position Decoding, in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 187255-187264, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3515633.
[55]Wang,D.,Wang,L.,Tang K.,.et al.PDAM-FAQ: Paraphrasing-based Data Augmentation and Mixed-Feature Semantic Matching for Low-Resource FAQs.IEEE ACCESS,2024.12, Accepted.
[54]D. Wang, L. Wang, K. Tang and Q. Bo, GUniER: GPT-Enhanced Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations Through Integrated Deep Bidirectional Semantics and Unified Modeling, in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 184776-184787, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3512553.
[51]路曼,王东升,钟家国,李佳伟. 融合句法信息和编辑向量的句子复述生成. 中文信息学报. 2024, 38(10): 165-174
[50] Wang, D.; Tang, K.; Zeng, J.; Pan, Y.; Dai, Y.; Li, H.; Han, B. MM-Transformer: A Transformer-Based Knowledge Graph Link Prediction Model That Fuses Multimodal Features. Symmetry 2024, 16, 961. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym16080961.
[49]Wang, D., Feng, Y., Li, J. et al. CFNAM-PG: Bridging Phonetic and Glyphic Information for Chinese Full Name and Abbreviation Matching Based on Simbert and DenseNet[J]. Int J Comput Intell Syst 17, 157 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44196-024-00549-x
[48]Liu S, Wang D, Feng Y, et al. UniER: A Unified and Efficient Entity-Relation Extraction Method with Single-Table Modeling[C]//CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland,Foshan,China, 2023: 248-259.
[47]Wang D, Wang S. SE‐Former: Incorporating sentence embeddings into Transformer for low‐resource NMT[J]. Electronics Letters, 2023, 59(11): e12840.
[46]冯越、王东升、刘莎、周淼淼, 面向船舶总体性能领域的知识图谱构建方法研究, 第一届船舶总体性能CAE软件创新发展研讨会论文集,2023.2.
[45]Zhong Jiaguo,Wang Dongsheng.Image Caption Generation based on Object Detection and Knowledge Enhancement.2023 2nd International Conference on Image, Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition(ISPP2023).2023.
[44]Jiawei Li,Dongsheng Wang,Cuiping Zhao,Jiqiang Tang,MUI-VB: Malicious URL Identification Model Combining VGG and Bi-LSTM, CCRIS '22.
[43]王东升,王卫民,祁云松, 王石 ,曹存根.基于错误驱动的语义文法自动扩展学习方法研究.电子学报, Vol. 49 (2): 248-259,2021.(supported by 61702234)
[42]高瑞, 韩斌, 王东升, 等. 基于稀疏索引和哈希表的访问控制策略检索方法[J]. 江苏科技大学学报 (自然科学版), 2021.
[41]Wang Dongsheng,Zhao Cuiping,etc. ANAS: Sentence similarity calculation based on automatic neural architecture search,ICIS2020.
[40]Zhen L, Liu Y, Dongsheng W, et al.Software Defects Prediction Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and Sparrow Search Algorithm,IEEE Access(in printing).2021.
[39]王东升.面向领域问答系统的自然语言理解和语义文法学习方法研究[M]. 江苏大学出版社, ISBN 978-7-5684-1427-2,2020.(supported by 61702234)
[38]王卫民, 符首夫, 顾榕蓉, 王东升等. 基于卷积神经网络的虫情图像分割和计数方法[J]. 计算机工程与科学, 2020 (1): 15.(supported by 61702234)
[37]Zhen L, Liu Y, Dongsheng W, et al. Parameter Estimation of Software Reliability Model and Prediction Based on Hybrid Wolf Pack Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 29354-29369.(supported by 61702234)
[36]X. Chen, D. Li, P. Wang and X. Yang, A Deep Convolutional Neural Network With Fuzzy Rough Sets for FER, in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 2772-2779, 2020.(supported by 61702234)
[35]YC. Yu,Ds Wang,et al.,Social Recommendation Algorithms with User Feedback Information,Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,2020(supported by 61702234)
[34]Zhen L, Liu Y, Dongsheng W, et al.System Modeling and Fault Tree Analysis Based on AltaRica.IEEE Access, 2020(to appear).(supported by 61702234)
[33]Li Z, Yu M, Wang D, et al. Using Hybrid Algorithm to Estimate and Predicate Based on Software Reliability Model[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 84268-84283.
[32]Wang W, Gu R, Fu S,Dongsheng Wang. A New Method of Metaphor Recognition for A-is-B Model in Chinese Sentences[C]//International Conference on Intelligent Science and Big Data Engineering. Springer, Cham, 2019: 65-77.(supported by 61702234)
[31]王卫民,符首夫,顾榕蓉,王东升,何林容,关文斌.基于卷积神经网络的农业虫情检测方法. 首届江苏省“互联网+与智能农业”研究生学术创新论坛二等奖
[30]王东升,王石,王卫民,符建辉,诸峰. 基于带约束语义文法的领域相关自然语言理解方法[J]. 中文信息学报, 2018, 32(2): 38-49.
[28]Wang dongsheng .Constrained Semantic Grammar Enabled Question Answering System Springer LNCS Publication of 19th Monterey Workshop.2017.EI
[26]Ning Zhong, Jianhua Ma ,Wisdom Web of Things(Co-Author of chapter).
[25]Wenjin Sheng, Jianzhuo Yan, Jianhui Chen, Ning Zhong, Dongsheng Wang, and Hongzhi Kuai,A Domain-Driven Literature Retrieval Method for Systematic Brain Informatics.BIH2016.
[24]Wang Dongsheng,Wang hui,Zhisheng Huang,Ning Zhong.Semantic Mobile Data Management for Urban Computing. SmartCity2015 poster
[23]Wang Dongsheng, Zhisheng Huang,Ning Zhong.Semantic Enabled Road Sign Management System.SmartCity2015 poster
[21]Chen, Jianhui; Han, Jian; Deng, Yue; Zhong, Han; Wang, Ningning; Li, Youjun; Wan, Zhijiang; Kotake, Taihei; Wang, Dongsheng; Zhong, Ning.Wisdom as a Service for Mental Health Care. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 2015.08,pp(99)
[20]Taihei Kotake, Ning Zhong, Jianhui Chen, and Wang Dongsheng,Constructing a Multifaceted Brain Big Data Center Based on BI Methodology and PROV-DM. BIH'15.
[19]Wang Ningning ,Chen Jianhui, Taihei Kotake,Wang Dongsheng.A Personalized Method of Literature Recommendation based on Brain Informatics Provenances.BIH’15.
[17]王东升*,黄智生,钟宁等.面向语义大数据的路标智能管理方法. In Proceedings of CSWS 2014,pp.19-30.
[16]刘庆华,黄智生,王东升等. 基于语义技术的港口城市道路交通标记管理系统,工业仪表与自动化装置,2013(4),pp.3-5.
[15]张笑非,黄智升,王东升等. 基于空间推理的城市路网交叉口模式研究. 道路交通与安全,2014 ,14(1):pp.30-35.
[14]徐丹,黄智生,张笑非,王东升等.路标管理系统中的本体构造和规则查询. 道路交通与安全,2014,14(1):pp.36-41.
[13]张绛丽,张笑非,徐丹,王东升等.基于OSM的智能交通路网数据的构建研究. 道路交通与安全,2014,14(1):pp.42-47.
[12]Wang D*, Huang Z, Liu Q, et al. Using Semantic Techology for Consistency Checking of Road Signs,Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2013 Workshops, pp.11-22,Nanjing,2013.10.13-15.
[11]Li N, Huang Z, Dongsheng Wang, et al. Interface Design of Semantic System for Road Sign Management[C]. Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2013 Workshops, pp.452-460,Nanjing,2013.10.13-15.
[10]Dongsheng Wang*, et al. A Domain-Specific Question Answering System Based on Ontology and Question Templates. 11th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, pp.151-156,London,2010.(EI)
[9]Dongsheng Wang*. Answering Contextual Questions Based on Ontology and Question Templates, Frontier of Computer Science in China, Volume 5, Number 4, pp.405-418.(SCIE).
[8]W Wang*, L Liu, Dongsheng Wang, Yanan Cao, et al. An Intelligent Call Center Platform for Mobile Communication Enterprises, International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, 2010, pp. 370-375. (EI)
[7]Wu Yuming*, Cao Cungen, Wang Shi, Wang Dongsheng. A Laplacian Eigenmaps Based Semantic Similarity Measure between Words. IFIP 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, 2010, pp.291-296. (EI)
[6]Yanan Cao*, Cungen Cao, Liangjun Zang, Shi Wang and Dongsheng Wang. Extracting Comparative Commonsense from the Web. Intelligent Information Processing V IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2010, Volume 340/2010, pp.154-162. (EI)
[5]Ya-nan Cao* , Cungen Cao , Liangjun Zang , Yao Zhu , Shi Wang , Dongsheng Wang. Acquiring Commonsense Knowledge about Properties of Concepts from Text. Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2008, pp. 155-159. (EI)
[4]Y Zhu, LJ Zang, DS Wang, CG Cao. Manual experiment on commonsense knowledge acquisition from web corpora. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), 2008, pp. 1564-1569. (EI)
[3]生佳根,王东升,孙玉宝,刘同明.基于本体的心血管疾病知识库的相关性分析方法研究.江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2008,03,pp.62-65.
[2]王东升.面向领域的自然语言理解和文法学习方法研究. 北京: 中国科学院研究生院博士学位论文,2012.