
您是第54 Access

  • 1、科研论文

    1Yongmei ZhuXiaoyan Sun, Xinguo Wang. Locomotion System Design and Dynamics Analysis of a New Telescopic Miniature In-Pipe Robot, International Journal of Robotics & Automation, 2016, 312:111-117. SCI检索:(WOS: 000376820000005

    2)朱永梅,朱玉君,王新国,张奔. 盘式制动器热结构耦合分析. 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版)2015,293):267-271.


    4) 朱永梅等.开孔球形耐压壳力学特性及疲劳分析.舰船科学技术,2017(3):7-11.

    5Yongmei ZhuJian ZhangLuyao NiPeng SongjiangFinite Element Analysis of Cannon Breechblock Shell MechanismInternational conference on Information Technology and Industrial Automation -20151142-11452015.7.4-2015.7.5.

    6Yongmei Zhu, Luyao Ni. Dynamic analysis and optimization of the extracting cartridge case system of Breechblock, Advances in Energy &Environment, 2017, 371-374.



    9Yongmei Zhu,Luyao Ni,Jian Zhang. Numerical Analysis and Optimal Design of the Breechblock Mechanism, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2018,10(2):1-11


    10)Yongmei Zhu, Wenxian Tang,Xuelong Tan, Jiajun Du,Liang Chen. Wear performance of phenolic composites: A comparison of experimental and theoretical data, Tribology Transactions,2018.615785-792. 

    11) YM Zhu, QL Ma, J Zhang, WX Tang, YJ Dai. Opening reinforcement design and buckling of spherical shell subjected to external pressure, International Journal of Pressure Vessels & Piping, 2017, 158:29-36.SCIWOS:000418224300003)

    12)Yongmei Zhu, Yongjian Dai, Qingli Ma, Wenxian Tang. Buckling of externally pressurized cylindrical shell: A comparison of theoretical and experimental data, Thin-walled Structure, 2018(129):309-316. WOS:000438000200023

    13)Qingli Ma, Yongmei Zhu, Wanwan Liang, Jian Zhang. Buckling and strength of an externally pressurized spherical shell with reinforced opening, International Journal of Pressure Vessels & Piping, 2018, 165: 11-19. WOS:000445286400002

    14)Yongmei Zhu, Yuewen Zhang, Xilu Zhao, J. Zhang, Xinghong Xu. Elastic-plastic buckling of externally pressurized hemispherical heads. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2019, 14(8) 829-838.

    15)Yongmei ZhuJunjie ChenJiajun DuYujie FanJifei Zheng . Tribological behavior of laser textured nodular cast iron surfaceIndustrial Lubrication and Tribology2019.71 (7) 949-955.WOS:000485904900012

    16)Yongmei Zhu, Wanwan Liang, Xilu Zhao, Xiaorong Wang, Jing Xia. Strength and stability of spherical pressure hulls with different viewport structures, International Journal of Pressure Vessels & Piping, 2019.176 103951. WOS:000488655100006

    17)Y. Zhu, B. Chen, B. Zhao, X.Zhao, W. Tang, X. Wang. Buckling characteristics of externally pressurized toroidal shell, Ships and Offshore Structures



    2)Nonlinear buckling of spherical shells under uniform external pressure. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2018