

1. The Image of Jews as Constructed by Lexical Items: Translations of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice as a Case in Point. European Judaism2018, 51(2):205-212.

2. The Image of Jews Reconstructed in A Chinese Translation of Oliver Twist from the Perspective of Imagology. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 2020, 10(8)682-688.

3. Understanding the Image of Jews in a Chinese Translation of The Merchant of Venice Accompanied with A Paratext. Journal of Literature and Art Studies2020, 10(9): 766-773.

4. The Jewish Other in the Spiritual Ghetto: Taking The Heart is a Lonely Hunter as a Case in Point. World Literature Studies, 2020, 8(1):13-18. [Chinese]

5. Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Image of Jews in The SojournerMasterpieces Review, 2020 (5):19-20. [Chinese]

6. The Wandering Fate and Final Destination in The Sojourner from the Perspective of Imagology. Overseas English, 2020 (23):210-211. [Chinese]

7. Singer and Deconstruction of Racial Equality at the Early Age after the American Civil War in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. Overseas English2020(7):178-179. [Chinese]

8. English Translation of Ship & Marine-Vocabularies in Chinese Classics and Construction of the Image of China as A Country of Science and Technology. Overseas English, 2020(21):207-208. [Chinese]

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