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    [1] Yang Jie, Wang Xiaonan, Tang Shunming, Shen Zhongyuan, Wu Jinmei* (2015)Peptidoglycan Recognition Protein S2 From Silkworm Integument: Characterization,Microbe-Induced Expression, and Involvement in the Immune-Deficiency Pathway.Journal of Insect Science 15(20)  DOI:10.1093/jisesa/iev007. .pdf

    [2]Wu Jinmei*, Patel SB (2016) ATP-binding Cassette Sub-Family G Member 4(ABCG4) Plays an Important Role in Lipid Homeostasis of Mouse Brain.Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Vol.118 S1 p21

    [3] Wang Xiaonan, Li Xihai, Yang Jie, Yu Ming, Wu Jinmei* (2016) Amyloid precursor protein in peripheral granulocytes as a potential biomarker for Alzheimer's disease. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology Vol.11:S92-S97  .pdf

    [4] Liu Ji, Yang Jie, Wang Xiaonan,Zhang Yang,Shen Zhongyuan, Wu Jinmei* (2016) The Bmspatzle5 Gene Encodes a Component of Toll-signaling Pathway Against Fungus and Gram-positive Bacteria Invasion in the Integument of Silkworm, Bombyx Mori.Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Biotechnology and Medical Science.p129-138.

    [5] Xu Ying, Liu Ji, Li Fengpeng, Wang Xuefang,Li Xihai, Shen Zhongyuan,Wu Jinmei* (2015) Immune-Related Gene Spatzle4 and Its Diferential Immune Responses against Microbes in the Silkworm, Bombyx Mori. American Journal of Clinical and E    xperimental Medicine 3(6):344-349..pdf

    [6] Liu Ji, Wu Jinmei* (2015) Progress of Research on Spatzle and Toll Signaling Pathway in Insects. American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 3(5):134-141..pdf

    [7] Li Fengpeng, Wang Xuefang, Xu Ying, Wu Jinmei* (2015) Characterization of ATP-binding Cassette Transporter Genes in Silkworm, Bombyx Mori. American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 3(5):123-133..pdf

    [8] Wu Jinmei*, Patel SB (2015) Gender-specific Effect of Deficient Abcg4 on Lipogenesis in a Mouse Brain. Journal of Investigative Medicine 63(8):S68-69..pdf
    [9] Jinmei Wu* (2011) Interference in the Expression of ATP-binding Cassette Transporter G4 (abcg4) Increased Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) Level in Mouse Brain. BIT's 2nd Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk – 2011. 2011:p328.

    [10] Jinmei Wu*, Shailesh B. Patel (2015) Gender-specific Effect of Deficient Abcg4 on Lipogenesis in Mouse Brain. Proceedings of 2015 3rd International Conference on Biomedicine and Pharmaceutics. P399-403.
    [11] Jinmei Wu, Robert W. Lim (2005) Regulation of Inhibitor of Differentiation gene 3 (Id3) expression by Sp2-motif binding factor in myogenic C2C12 cells: Down regulation of DNA binding activity following skeletal muscle differentiation.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1731:13 – 22..pdf
    [12] Robert Wai-sui LIM, Jin-mei WU (2005) Molecular mechanisms regulating expression and function of transcription regulator Inhibitor of Differentiation 3 (Id3) Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Vol.26 Issue 12 Page1409-1420.pdf
    [13] Jinmei Wu, Shailesh B. Patel (2007) Characterization of a mouse deficient in Abcg4. Research Day, Medical College of Wisconsin Jan 18, 2007.
    [14] Wu J., Zhu Y. and Patel, SB. (1999) Cyclosporin-induced dyslipo- proteinemia is associated with selective activation of SREBP-2. American Journal of Physiology (Endocrinol. Metab. 40). 277(6): E1087-E1092.
    [15] Wu J, Lim RW, Wu XF, Lu HS. (2003) Cloning and sequence analysis of iap1 gene of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrovirus ZJ strain and its function on regulating NF-kB activity in mammalian cells (full article in English). Acta Sericologica Sinica; 29(4): 359-364..pdf
    李锡海,于明,吴金美*(2013) 阿尔茨海默病相关生物标志物的研究现状及进展[J] 江苏大学学报(医学版) 23(1): 84-88..pdf

    [17] 王雪芳,吴金美*2013Abcg4在小鼠组织中的表达及其RNA干涉的研究 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版)27(1):89-92..pdf

    [18] 栗凤鹏,王雪芳,吴金美*(2011) 家蚕新的卵色相关基因Bmwh2的克隆及组织表达与功能研究[J]蚕业科学. vol.37(No.2):193-199..pdf
    栗凤鹏,吴金美*(2011) 家蚕三磷酸腺苷结合盒转运子B亚族基因Abcb6的克隆与序列分析及组织表达[J]蚕业科学.vol.37(04).pdf
    [20] Jinmei Wu (2010) Increased gonadal fat ratio and cerebral ketone body formation but greatly suppressed brain glycogenesis in the female mice deficient in abcg4.
    中国生物化学与分子生物学会第十届会员代表大会暨全国学术会议,2010823-26日 南京
    吴转斌,吴金美* (2008) ABC转运子G亚族与人类疾病[J]江苏大学学报(医学版).2008,(03):267-272..pdf
    [22] Jinmei Wu (2010) Abcg4
    基因敲除影响鼠脑的糖异生及脂质代谢——与阿尔茨海默氏病有关?华东六省一市生物化学与分子生物学会2010年学术交流会. P.210
    [23] Jinmei Wu (2008) Abcg4
    基因敲除鼠的特性研究 华东六省一市生物化学与分子生物学2008年学术交流会
    包人月,吴金美(2006) 蚕的细胞凋亡相关基因及其检测技术[J]蚕桑通报. Vol.37 (No.02):9-14.
    吕鸿声,张志芳,吴金美(2003) 细胞凋亡:昆虫抗病毒感染的重要机制.中国蚕业vol.24(3):4-12.
    吕鸿声,张志芳,吴金美(2003) 细胞凋亡:昆虫抗病毒感染的重要机制().中国蚕业vol.24(4):4-14.
    吴金美 吕鸿声 吴祥甫S.B.BraunagelM.D.Summers2000)苜蓿尺蠖核型多角体病毒囊膜蛋白ODV-E18的核定向转运研究。病毒学报163):247-251.pdf
    吴金美1996)家蚕核多角体病毒复制起始元件hr3的核结合因子、结合部位及重组杆状病毒在昆虫细胞表达hGM-CSF的研究 中国农业科学院博士论文(指导教师:吕鸿声,吴祥甫研究员)

    [29] 吴金美(1993) 蚕的基因工程研究概况国外农学-蚕业No56. p2-6..pdf