[1]Anzhong Huang, Hong Chen, Xuan Hu; Luote Dai.The Analysis of Enterprise Improvement in Global Commodity Price Prediction on Deep Learning.Journal of Global Information Management,2023(03):178-193(SCI/SSCI,IF3.5+).
[2]Anzhong Huang, Rui Xu, Xiaofang Liu, Meiwen Guo. An Investigation of Multi-label User Classifications in Social Media Based on the ML-KNN Algorithm,Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2022,11(用稿通知)(中科院1区,SCI/SSCI,IF11+).
[3]Xiaomin Shan1 and Anzhong Huang.Intelligent simulation of the thermal buckling characteristics of a tapered functionally graded porosity-dependent rectangular small-scale beam,Advances in Nano Research, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2022) 000-000 (https://doi.org/10.12989/anr.2022.12.3.000 )(中科院1区,SCI,IF13+).
[4]Anzhong Huang,Yuling Zhang,Jianping Peng,Hong Chen. Application of Informetrics on Financial Network Text Mining Based on Affective Computing.Information Processing and Management,2022, 9(2):pp02822(中科院1区,SCI/SSCI,IF6+)
[5]Anzhong Huang,Ya Bu, Aijun Li. The market efficiency and the sustainable development of Chinese microcredit: analyses based on DEA, Journal of Ambiebt Intelligence Humanized Computing, 2021, 8.DOI: 10.1007/s12652-021-03423-2(中科院2区,SCI,IF7+)
[6]Anzhong Huang, Lening Qiu, Zheng Li. Applying deep learning method in TVP-VAR model under systematic financial risk monitoring and early warning, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2021,382:pp113065(中科院3区,SCI/SSCI,IF4+)
[7]Anzhong Huang, Jie Cao, Huimei Zhang. Construction of patient service system based on QFD in internet of things, The Journal of Supercomputing ,2020(8)(中科院2区,SCI/SSCI,IF5+).
[8]Anzhong Huang .Fei Wu .Two-stage adaptive integration of multi-source heterogeneous data based on an improved random subspace and prediction of default risk of microcredit, Neural Computing and Applications,2021,33 (9)9:pp4065-4075(第一作者,中科院2区,SCI/SSCI,影响因子5+)
[9]Anzhong Huang. A risk detection system of e-commerce: researches based on soft information extracted by affective computing web texts, Electronic Commerce Research, 2018,18(1) :pp143-157.(独撰,中科院3区,SSCI,IF4+)
[10]Xuan Zhang, Anzhong Huang*.Research on the International Education Path for Chinese Standard Going Global, Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice ,2018,18(6):2652-2660(通讯作者,中科院4区,SSCI,IF3+)
[11]Long Ning, Anhong Huang*. The Relationships between Science and Technology Education and the Urban-Rural Income Gap in China, Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Associati,2018, 30(E1): pp253-260(中科院4区,SCI,IF1+)
[12]An zhong Huang.Technical Innovation and X Efficiency in Chinese Banking Industry: Estimations Based on Shadow Profit Function,International Journal of Innovation Science,2016(10)(EI 检索).
[14]黄安仲胡楚阳. 关系信贷能缓解中小企业的金融约束吗?预测,2015(9).
[16]Anzhong Huang Liqian. Are Chinese Monetary Aggregates Controllable”, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2013(7)(EI 检索).
[17]Huang anzhong Liqian, Researches on the Controllability of Monetary Aggregates: Basing on the Dynamic Process of Monetary Supply, Journal of Convergence Information Technology,2013(5);1184-1198(EI检索).
[18]Anzhong Huang Liqian., Is Chinese Inflation Imported?, Technology Management and Engineering Science,2013(2):185-189(EI检索).
[19]黄安仲张璇我国经济增长中的出口、内需和政府干预, 预测,2013(3).
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