束鑫,男,博士,教授,硕士生导师,计算机学院软件工程系主任,镇江市“十佳教师”。曾于2015-2016年省公派英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院电子工程与计算机系访问学者。主要研究方向为模式识别、人脸识别、医学图像分析、缺陷检测、图像增强、图像内容理解和深度学习及应用。作为主要研究人员主持及参与多项国家自然科学基金及省部级项目,在模式识别、计算机视觉等领域有长期研究积累,近年来主要从事医学图像分析、图像缺陷检测、图像增强和目标识别等课题研究,在《Pattern Recognition》《IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement》《Measurement》《Artificial Intelligence in Medicine》《Expert Systems with Applications》《Engineering Application of Artificial Intellegence》《Biomedical Signal Processing and Control》《Computers in Biology and Medicine》《计算机研究与发展》《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》等国内外知名刊物上发表相关学术论文50余篇。申请国家发明专利20余项,已授权10项。参与完成的研究项目获国家级协会科技进步二等奖2项(2012)、三等奖1项(2019),无锡市科技进步二等奖1项(2012)。
[1] Li Hong (洪丽), Xin Shu(束鑫), Qi Wang, Hua Ye, Jinlong Shi, Caisheng Liu, CCM-Net: Color compensation and coordinate attention guided underwater image enhancement with multi-scale feature aggregation, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Part 1, 184 (2025) 108590. (SCI二区)
[2] Yingyan Gu (顾迎燕), Yan Wang, Hua Ye, Xin Shu(束鑫), DA-Net: Deep attention network for biomedical image segmentation, Signal Processing: Image Comnumicaiton, 135 (2025)117283. (SCI三区)
[3] Anqi Shi (史安琪), Xin Shu(束鑫), Dan Xu, Fang Wang, GCMR-Net: A Global Context-Enhanced Multi-scale Residual Network for medical image segmentation, Multimedia Systems, 2025, 31:22. (SCI三区)
[5] Yang Yang (杨扬), Jin Zhang, Xin Shu(束鑫), Lei Pan, Ming Zhang, A lightweight Transformer model for defect detection in electroluminescence images of photovoltaic cells, IEEE Access, 12 (2024), pp.194922-194931. (SCI三区)
[6] Xianghu Wu(武相虎), Shucheng Huang, Xin Shu(束鑫), Chunlong Hu, Xiao-Jun Wu, MPFC-Net: A multi-perspective feature compensation network for medical image segmentation, Expert Systems with Applications, 248 (2024) 123430. (SCI一区, TOP期刊)
[7] Xin Shu(束鑫), Jiangsu Wang(王佳树), Aoping Zhang, Jinlong Shi, Xiao-Jun Wu, CSCA U-Net: A channel and space compound attention CNN for medical image segmentation, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 150 (2024) 102800. (SCI二区)
[8] Chufan Liu(刘楚凡), Xin Shu(束鑫), Dan Xu, Jinglong Shi, GCCF: A lightweight and scalable network for underwater image enhancement, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 128 (2024) 107462. (SCI二区, TOP期刊)
[9] Xin Shu(束鑫), Xiaotong Li(李晓彤), Xin Zhang, Changbin Shao, Xi Yan, Shucheng Huang, MRAU-net: Multi-scale residual attention U-shaped network for medical image segmentation, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 118 Part B (2024) 109479. (SCI三区)
[10] Yan Wang, Lai Pan, Xin Shu(束鑫), YOLO-FMS: A lightweight and efficient model for medical microscopic smear detection, IEEE Access, 12 (2024), pp. 125253-125265. (SCI三区)
[11] Di Lv(吕滴), Chao Zhao, Hua Ye, Yan Fan, Xin Shu(束鑫), GS-YOLO A Lightweight SAR Ship Detection Model Based on Enhanced GhostNetV2 and SE Attention, IEEE Access, 12 (2024), pp. 108414-108424. (SCI三区)
[12] Yan Wang, Qingyun Zhang, Xin Shu(束鑫), Micro-expression recognition using a multi-scale feature extraction network with attention mechanisms, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 18 (2024): 5137-5147. (SCI四区)
[13] Chufan Liu(刘楚凡), Xin Shu(束鑫), Lei Pan, Jinglong Shi, Bin Han, Multiscale Underwater Image Enhancement in RGB and HSV Color Spaces, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72 (2023) 5021814. (SCI二区, TOP期刊)
[14] Xin Shu(束鑫), Xiaojie Li(李晓洁), Xin Zuo, Dan Xu, Jinlong Shi, Face Spoofing Detection Based on Multi-scale Color Inversion Dual-stream Convolutional Neural Network, Expert Systems with Applications, 244 (2023) 119988. (SCI一区, TOP期刊)
[15] Chao Zhao(赵超), Xin Shu(束鑫), Xi Yan, Xin Zuo, Feng Zhu, RDD-YOLO: A modified YOLO for detection of steel surface detects, Measurement, 214 (2023) 112776. (高被引论文, SCI二区, TOP期刊)
[17] Jiawen Lu, Jinglong Shi, Haowei Zhu, Jun Ni, Xin Shu(束鑫) et al, Depth Guidance and Intra-Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72 (2023) 5008313. (SCI二区, TOP期刊)
[18] Xianhua Duan, Chaoqiang Jin, Xin Shu(束鑫), HCPSNet heterogeneous cross‑pseudo‑supervision network with confidence evaluation for semi-supervised medical image segmentation, Multimedia Systems, 2023, 29, 2809-2823. (SCI三区)
[19] Xin Shu(束鑫), Hui Pan(潘慧), Jinlong Shi, Xiaoning Song, Xiao-Jun Wu, Using global information to refine local patterns for texture representation and classification, Pattern Recognition, 131 (2022) 108843. (SCI一区, TOP期刊)
[20] Xin Shu(束鑫), Yingyan Gu(顾迎燕), Xin Zhang, Chunlong Hu, Ke Cheng, FCRB U-net: A novel fully connected residual block U-net for fetal cerebellum ultrasound image segmentation, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 148 (2022) 105693. (SCI二区)
[21] Xin Shu(束鑫), Feng Chang(常峰), Xin Zhang, Changbin Shao, Xibei Yang, ECAU-Net: Efficient channel attention U-Net for fetal ultrasound cerebellum segmentation, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 75 (2022) 103528. (SCI二区)
[22] Xin Shu(束鑫), Zhigang Song(宋志刚), Jinlong Shi, Shucheng Huang, Xiao-Jun Wu, Multiple Channels Local Binary Pattern for Color Texture Representation and Classification, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 98 (2021) 116392. (SCI二区)
[23] Xin Shu(束鑫), Kun Xia(夏坤), Hui Pan, Lei Pan, Ming Zhang, Face anti-spoofing based on weighted neighborhood pixel difference pattern[J], Journal of Electronic Imaging, 30(3), 033003 (10 May 2021). (SCI四区)
[24] Xin Shu(束鑫), Hui Tang(唐慧), Shucheng Huang, Face spoofing detection based on chromatic ED-LBP texture feature[J], Multimedia Systems, 2021, 27, 161-176. (SCI四区)